Sunday, April 13, 2014


Sunday, April 13, 2014

Two-Piece Daisy Set/Set de dos piezas, courtesy of/cortesia de Lush Clothing
Platforms/ Plataformas | courtesy of/cortesia de Chinese Laundry 
Hat/ Gorro | Forever 21

I had the grand opportunity to meet the social media coordinator for Lush Clothing during my trip to MAGIC in February (she came up to me because she had recognized me from tagging their clothing on my Instagram so much, ha!), and we clicked right away. They were very graceful in contacting me recently asking me if I'd like to work with them, and obviously I couldn't turn that down! I chose a few pieces, including this two piece set (something I am always attracted to), and you can probably guess why. The lightweight fabric makes it easier to cope with this Arizona heat, and the daisies are always a pretty print. 
What do you think of this outfit?

Instagram me @esmirnatapia

Tuve el gran placer de conocer la nena que se hace cargo de todo lo que tiene que ver con social media de Lush Clothing en mi viaje a MAGIC en Febrero (me reconoció porque siempre los menciono en mi Instagram!), y nos hicimos amigas muy rapido. Recientemente me contacto para ver si estaba interesada en trabajar juntas, y claro le dije que si. Me dieron a escoger algunas piezas que me gustaran, y obviamente escogí este set de flores! La tela es muy ligera para el calor, y las florecitas siempre son un patrón bonito.
Que piensan del outfit?

Instagram @esmirnatapia

Friday, April 11, 2014


Friday, April 11, 2014

There are many things I expose to other people, such as where I'm from or what my life is like, but nothing really prepared me to be exposed in this manner for my blog. I couldn't really NOT take photographs in this Triangl Underwear set even if I wanted; it's perfect teal color and breathable mesh fabric is one of the only things that will keep me cool this summer (it was 100 degrees today!). It is so delicate, yet to stylish and comfortable, I almost wish it was a bathing suit because it would completely seal the deal (go to Triangl's Swimsuit site here)! 
When it came to proper sizing, this Australian brand has got it all right, again. One look into their size chart and you can easily pick out what works best for you. So what are you waiting for?! Buy your undie (or swim) set today! 

Hay muchas cosas que le expongo a la gente, como de donde soy o como es mi vida, pero nunca me había preparado para ver sido expuesta de esta manera para mi blog. En verdad no pude esperar a ponerme este juego de ropa interior de Triangl Underwear- es el color perfecto y la tela de malla es una de las únicas cosas que me ayudaran estar comoda entre este clima de calor. Es muy delicado, pero super chic; casi sueño que fuera traje de baño para andar con el fuera de casa (visita el sitio de Triangl en donde SI venden trajes de baño)
Para ayudarte a escoger el tamaño perfecto, hay una tabla de tallas en la cual puedes decidir lo que quieres. Que esperas? Recibe el verano con uno de estos sets ahora!
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