Showing posts with label wishlist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wishlist. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Being the girl that I am (duh), I feel that I can never have too many shoes. Some of my favorite pairs have always been from Nasty Gal, and despite the price, they are the splurges of a lifetime. They are fun, quirky, have a variety of brands on their site including their very own Nasty Gal Collection Shoe Cult brand, Jeffrey Campbell, and UNIF. And what kind of post would this be if I did not include platforms?! Whether you use them to give you a boost of height (like me) or just think they're pretty to look at, have your pick! PERF! Here's a round of some of my recent chosen pairs from YUM!

Siendo la chica que soy, siento que una nena nunca puede tener demasiados pares de zapatos. Unos de mis pares favoritos siempre han sido de la tienda Nasty Gal, y a pesar del precio, son unas de las compras que mas me encantan. Son divertidos, y tienen gran variedad en su sitio, incluyendo su propia marca, Shoe Cult, Jeffrey Campbell, y UNIF. Y que clase de post seria este si no les enseñara unos pares de plataformas? No importa si los usas para que te den mas estatura (como a mi) o simplemente se les hacen bonitos, escojan sus favoritos! Aquí estan unos pares de su reciente colección de!

(top to bottom, left to right):
(arriba a abajo, izquierda a derecha):

one/uno. Jeffrey Campbell Sugarplum Bootie- Nude (SHOP!)
two/dos. Jeffrey Campbell Kieran Flat (SHOP!)
three/tres. Shoe Cult Command Heel (SHOP!)
four/cuatro. Jeffrey Campbell Seuss Bootie (SHOP!)
five/cinco. Jeffrey Campbell Darling Pump- Stripe (SHOP!)
six/seis. Miista Debora Bootie (SHOP!) 

Wednesday, October 02, 2013


Wednesday, October 02, 2013

We are starting to finally feel some fresh air around the west coast, and with a new season comes a new set of things I am dying to see in my wardrobe. No matter what your budget is, there is something for everyone (I just happen to like uber-expensive things sometimes even though I cannot afford them ha!). Take a look at my list and see if you can find something you'd like for yourself! 
(Note to my husband: my birthday is in less than 25 days!)
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